
Advanced Module (On-Site): Physical Therapist

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  • Advanced Module (On-Site): Physical Therapist
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  • November 9, 2022 - November 12, 2022
  • Santiago, Chile
  • 8:30 am - 6:00 pm

Advanced Module

In the advanced module we will analyze our diagnosis and stabilization methodology. We will delve into specific situations regarding the clinical approach, specific and manual techniques for the treatment of temporomandibular discopathies and craniovertebral joint disorders and what is called the cervical trigeminal nucleus. How to manage headaches and facial pain based on the neurological anatomical relationship of these two systems. The dentist will provide the appropriate way to take records, from the occlusal point of view, and do mountings in the articulator, in order to analyze how to develop, in a multidisciplinary and parallel way according to the diagnosis, the stabilization process through the use of an Interocclusal Tricentric Orthosis (ITO). This will be the projection towards a stable rehabilitation over time.

Then we will deliver objective and tangible content to achieve stable treatment over time, with the concept of physiological rest in a Tricentric joint relationship. This important concept from the articular point of view, is related to the importance of a musculature that maintains stable, with minimal electromyographic activity, the craniomandibular, craniovertebral system with a functional occlusion at rest. Post-stabilization rehabilitation of a functional occlusion is key to guarantee the success of the treatment over time, since it has an intimate relationship with the final function of the cranioverteral joints on a cervical spine in lordosis.

  • Cost: $2,000.00
  • Total Slot: 15
  • Booked Slot: 0
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