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Case report: Anterior open bite correction treatment by dental treatment and physical therapy through craniocervical mandibular and occlusal stabilization
Authors: Mariano Rocabado, Roberto Gutierrez, Maria Fernanda Gutierrez & Maria Jose Gutierrez
Publisher: CRANIO -The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice, December 2021


Background: The opinion on whether a patient with an anterior open bite should be treated surgically or not is controversial. These patients generally suffer from associated discomfort due to their occlusal instability and musculoskeletal pain.

Clinical Presentation: A 60-year-old woman visited the clinic with dental mobility of her upper central incisors as her chief complaint. She had a severe anterior open bite, with a history of continuous grinding and multiple dental restorations in poor condition. Additionally, she suffered neck pain with movement restrictions.


Dentists can evaluate and treat patients with an anterior open bite using this integrative model (physical therapy/dentistry) as a possible alternative as part of the treatmentfor anterior open bite patients.

By performing a mandibular craniocervical stabilization treatment before the stabilization of occlusion, a stable, painless and functional position was achieved. A removable interocclusal splint therapy of dynamic design, used in parallel with specific physiotherapy treatment, could be an efficient and effective way to treat this type of patient.

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